A Few Tips for Adding Style to Your Home With Blinds
Posted on: 30 June 2016
You may not think much of your home's blinds or any of the window treatments, but these accessories can actually add style to a space and enhance your overall décor. On the other hand, plain blinds that you buy simply because they're the cheapest ones available may make your space seem a bit dull and even industrial. Before you buy any new blinds for your home, note a few tips for adding style with these window treatments.
Traditional and cozy
Do you want to soften the look of a room and make it seem more cozy, and add some traditional elements to your home? If so, opt for wood blinds. These have a very traditional look and feel, and they come in a wide range of shades. You can get very dark cherry blinds that add warmth to a space that seems cold and impersonal, or you might opt for a honey oak color that keeps a space warm without overpowering it.
Adding color
Does your room seem a bit bland because your furniture is very monochrome and without personality? It can be good to keep your large furniture pieces neutral so they don't overwhelm the space, but this can also mean a space without style. Add some pops of color with your home's blinds; try a warm brown fabric to offset lighter colors in your furniture, or even a dark grey or slate color in a more modern room. You can even add color with stripes; choose blinds with a solid background and then a stripe running vertically down each side. A classic brocade pattern can also bring in color and contrast. If you want something very bold, you might choose an apple green color or even a sunny yellow, and these can be good choices for small windows where the color won't seem overpowering.
Adding depth
Blinds are a good choice for small rooms as they don't get in the way of foot traffic or overwhelm the space, and they can also add depth. Blinds with a horizontal stripe design can make a window and the room itself seem wider. Blinds with a vertical stripe design can make a space seem taller. If your room seems especially closed-in and claustrophobic, opt for this classic visual trick of using stripes to fool the eye into thinking the space is larger than it is and for creating a unique style in the room as well.